Origin :
Peaberry, known in Spanish as caracoli, is a type of coffee bean. Normally the fruit ("cherry") of the coffee plant contains two seeds ("beans") that develop with flattened facing sides, but sometimes only one of the two seeds is fertilized, and the single seed develops with nothing to flatten it. This oval (or pea-shaped) bean is known as peaberry. Typically around 5% of all coffee beans harvested have experienced this small mutation.
Normal coffee beans are less commonly called by contrast flat berry.
Peaberry coffees are particularly associated with Tanzanian Coffee, although the peaberry variety of Kona coffee has also become quite prominent.
Peaberry beans roast differently from the corresponding flat berry beans; hence, to ensure an even roast in high-grade coffee peaberry beans are often separated.
Size Available :
200gr and 1Kg
Tasting Notes :
- Special Peaberry Taste
- Bitter – Sour
- Aromatic